as almost everyone will know, at the end of a pottery session, all tided up and done, hands washed, you'll end up with dry hands, sometimes severely so. here's a simple recipe for a good all-purpose anti dry hands creme. it's cheap, easy to make and you have all control over the ingredients. disclaimer: i'm no doctor so don't sue me, this is just for dry hands and - don't google your rash - but instead if you feel something weird is going on and your skin is looking odd and see your doctor. recipe: the ingredients for this creme are fairly simple, you need sheabutter and almond oil. the proportion is approx 60% sheabutter and 40% almond oil. this can be changed depending on preference. you can also use any other oil. what you do is the following: you put the sheabutter in a jar and the jar with the butter into a hotwaterbath to melt the butter. once the butter is molten (it'll look like on the image), you add the almond oil and stirr it all a bit. it'll ...